AI Proctoring of talent assessments: Much ado about nothing?20240827144132

AI Proctoring of talent assessments: Much ado about nothing?

August 27, 2024
The debate regarding supervised (i.e. proctored) and unsupervised talent assessments is familiar to many in the industry...
tts-assess: Integrated Online Assessments20240806132311

tts-assess: Integrated Online Assessments

August 6, 2024
Simplifying the assessment management process so that you can focus on the real value-add of making better talent decisions is a key advantage of inte...
Prof Hennie Kriek honored as a fellow of SIOP (USA)20240531103424

Prof Hennie Kriek honored as a fellow of SIOP (USA)

May 31, 2024
Every year, the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) recognizes members whose research identifies solutions to workplace pr...
Harnessing digital transformation: A guide to talent strategy and digital readiness20231031111948

Harnessing digital transformation: A guide to talent strategy and digital readiness

October 31, 2023
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses face immense pressure to remain profitable, ensure customer satisfaction, and continuously e...
Using talent assessments to drive business strategy: An Aon research study.20230725164445

Using talent assessments to drive business strategy: An Aon research study.

July 25, 2023
In a recent study, TTS’s best-of-breed product partner, Aon Assessments, reviewed their client database and based on the experience of more than 48 mi...
Must candidates complete ability tests in the morning?20230720094712

Must candidates complete ability tests in the morning?

July 20, 2023
Our clients often want to know about the best time of day for candidates to complete ability tests (and by implication, whether time of day and abilit...
Trends in IO Psychology: Results from our 2023 Survey20230630151454

Trends in IO Psychology: Results from our 2023 Survey

June 30, 2023
A few months ago, we asked our newsletter subscribers to complete our 2023 Trends in IO Psychology survey. We designed our survey to poll the IO Psych...
3 Ways ChatGPT will change how IO Psychologists work20230330124753

3 Ways ChatGPT will change how IO Psychologists work

March 30, 2023
In this article, we review key themes from our recent webinar on ChatGPT as well as additional research from the world of AI and machine learning...
Trends and Best Practices in Graduate Recruitment for 2023 and Beyond.20230125124446

Trends and Best Practices in Graduate Recruitment for 2023 and Beyond.

January 25, 2023
For IOPs in the assessment industry, the challenge of helping the organizations they serve in making better talent decisions for graduate recruitment ...
Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT: Implications and Applications for IO Psychologists20230125114421

Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT: Implications and Applications for IO Psychologists

January 25, 2023
Recently, the internet has been abuzz with the latest release from the OpenAI project, called ChatGPT...